Southminster has organized a number of teams to lead various ministries and administrative functions of the church. Below you can find information on the teams’ purpose, primary activities, when they meet, and who leads the team. Teams report to the Southminster Session or Deacons. 

The Session is a body of elected elders governing each local church within Presbyterian polity.

The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. It is a ministry of caring; a ministry of love; a ministry of compassion; and a ministry of prayer, and community service.

Current Session and Deacon Members are listed here.

We are a dynamic organization! Bear with us as we are continually adding and changing our team structure. For additional information on any team activity, contact the church office. Below is  a list of all of our teams.



[email protected]

Building and Grounds purpose is to see to the maintenance of the physical plant of Southminster and the surrounding grounds. The Team sets short- and long-term goals for the building and grounds. By working with the Finance Team and the Session to set appropriate budget guidelines.

Furthermore, the ministry of the Building and Grounds Team is to be good stewards of the beautiful facility we have been entrusted to care for to be used for the worship and glorification of God and his Holy work.

The Building and Grounds Team meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 P.M.

Chair: John Woods

Reports to: Session


[email protected]

The Christian Education team encourages growth in Christian values and discipleship to better understand our faith through activities and classes from childhood through adulthood. The team is composed of two subcommittees: Children and Youth and Adult growth groups.

The children gather weekly for Children’s Worship and use the Godly Play curriculum for their class. Also, the children’s ministry yearly activities are Vacation Bible School, Lent and Advent devotionals, Illustrated Ministries Children’s Bulletins, monthly gatherings, and special events!

Some of the youth’s yearly activities are Vacation Bible School, camping, special retreats, youth fellowship, weekend shut-ins, and joint ventures with youth from other churches.

The adult classes are offered throughout the week and on Sunday and cover topics of social issues and religious ones.

The Christian Education team meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. The sub-committees meet at their convenience.

Members of the team are Gay Amos, Steve Davis, Drew Fisher, Jeanne Leatherbury, and Karen Locke.

Chair: Mary Baez

Reports to: Session


[email protected]

Objective: To plan for and lead internal and external communications.

The Marketing and Communications Team is working to help Southminster effectively disseminate information throughout the church and local communities. This team does not create material nor dictate what others must communicate. Instead, the Communications Team is responsible for defining the processes around the effective distribution of information between the teams, the congregation and the local community. You can find the Southminster Communication Procedure document here.

The Marketing and Communications Team also leads upgrades and makes recommendations on technology solutions.

Please contact the church office if you need to contact this team.

Chair: Todd Hall

Reports to: Session

The purpose of finance is to manage the financial assets of the church.  To that end, our duties include:

  • Managing more than $500,000 in investments and the income they generate
  • Processing all funding moving in and out of the church
  • Informing Session, Staff, and the congregation on important financial matters
  • Creating and enforcing the church budget
  • Developing financial policies
  • Managing estate gifts

Meetings are held every third Sunday of the month after worship in the Hospitality Room. Meetings are open to visitors.

Annual Events
  • July – finance solicits teams for next-year budget
  • September – finance reviews first draft budget
  • October – finance presents an initial draft budget to Session
  • November – finance presents a second draft budget to Session
  • December – Session approves final budget
  • January – finance presents the budget to the congregation at the annual meeting
  • June – outside accounting firm completes audit

Please contact the church office if you need to contact this team.

Chair: Ryan Battelle

 The Invitation Team is a small group of members who lead the congregation in their mission of inviting people into relationship with Christ, warmly welcoming them to Southminster, introducing them to all Southminster has to offer and bringing them into membership (if they desire).

Inviting, welcoming and membership provide the direction for the Team. The Team has ministries focused within each of these areas.

Inviting: The Team believes it is the work of all to invite Guests to worship. The Team is focused on efforts to have a presence at SPC and community events, provide accurate and timely literature for Guests and improve the website experience.

Welcoming: The Team works to provide several ministries to make Southminster Guests feel welcome. These ministries are always looking for volunteers and they include:

  • Greeter ministry (volunteer members stationed at the entrances before worship services)
  • Welcome Desk ministry (a sign-in location for first-time Guests)
  • Welcome Kit ministry (first-time Guest gift bag and informational folder)
  • Building Tour ministry (an in-depth building tour is provided monthly detailing the history of the church)
  • Guest follow-up ministry (letters, phone calls and emails sent to Guests)

Membership: The Team works closely with the Pastor/Head of Staff to schedule and provide Inquirer’s classes for those interested in becoming members. The class is designed as an opportunity to learn more about the church as well as its members. Additionally, the Team organizes an opportunity for each of the Southminster Teams to showcase their ministries and have a volunteer on hand to answer any questions through the Time and Talent display featured in the Narthex every Sunday.

The Invitation Team meets the third Sunday of every month, following worship.

Chair: Jean Gaffney

Reports to: Session


[email protected]


Nominating Team.  The purpose of the Nominating Team is to identify, discern, and nominate members of the congregation to open ordained officer positions on the Session and on the Board of Deacons, for election by the congregation.  In special times, the Nominating Team will nominate members of the congregation to serve on pastor nominating committees, for election by the congregation.

Ministries of the Team are focused on the following:

Election of Team Members.  In the fourth quarter of each fiscal year, the congregation elects six members-at-large to the next year’s Church officer Nominating Team.  Members-at-large shall not be current members of the Session or of the Board of Deacons.  The other members of the Team are two members elected by and from the Session, one of whom is named by the Session as chair, and one member elected by and from the Board of Deacons.  The Pastor/Head of Staff serves as ex officio and without vote.

Nominating Process.  The Nominating Team identifies members of the congregation with the gifts and skills for office.  Ruling Elders shall possess wisdom and maturity of faith and exhibit skills in leadership and compassion.  Deacons shall have a spirit of compassion, witness, and service and skill in spiritual care. The process shall ensure that nominations are broadly representative of the congregation and conform to the church’s commitment to unity in diversity.

Election Process. In the fourth quarter of each fiscal year, the Nominating Team presents a slate of Ruling Elders and Deacons to the congregation which include three-year nominees as well as nominees to fill any unexpired terms, to assure three equal classes.  The maximum consecutive service as a Ruling Elder or as a Deacon is two three-year terms.  The list of nominees will be available to the congregation, in as complete a form as possible, one week in advance of the meeting at which elections are to take place.  While nominations will be equal to the number of positions open, full opportunity will be given to the congregation for nominations from the floor of any member of the congregation; and, if there are nominations from the floor, vote will be by written ballot.
The Team generally meets twice monthly between March and June.

Chair:  Gretchen Cleaves

Reports to:  Session

The purpose of the Personnel Team is to support the mission and ministries of the Church in matters pertaining to human resources. This includes but is not limited to the development and interpretation of policies and processes contained in the Personnel Policy Manual and development and administration of position descriptions, compensation, benefits, performance reviews, and discipline and grievance processes.

Chair: Liz Ferguson

Reports to: Session


[email protected]

On behalf of Session, the Christian Giving Team will encourage giving; plan and conduct campaigns to raise funds (e.g., Fall Christian Giving Campaign); report to Session and congregation (and individuals) on the goals and actual level of giving; coordinate with Session and other teams (e.g., Finance Team, Mission, etc.,) to determine contribution goals; and coordinate with other teams to assist it in fund-raising and to leverage their activities to attract more contributors and encourage more giving.

The team does not have a fixed meeting schedule. They meet as needed to complete their activities.

Chair: Pete Garland

Reports to: Session

Our worship follows a traditional liturgy but is also relaxed and infused with humility and humor. The music includes both traditional hymns and more recent praise music. Masks are encouraged but not required for all worshippers over the age of 5 years old. We will continue Live-streaming indefinitely for those who prefer to worship at home. 

In-Person Worship Schedule
One service: 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Adult Education Classes
 are paused until the fall.

Comfort Space/Sanctuary Lounge is available for anyone needing a more private or comfortable place to worship.  Quiet toys are available for children.

Nursery Care is available in Room 221 for children from birth through age 3. The nursery is open from 9:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

During Children’s Time, all children are invited to come forward. Afterward, children ages 4 – 5th grade leave to attend Children and Worship and can be picked up from the Narthex after worship.

Large print bulletins and hymnals are available for your use.

Assisted Listening Devices are available for the hearing impaired.  Please ask an usher for assistance if you would like one.

Mission Ministries of Southminster

F.I.S.H. Food Pantry  provides funding, purchase foods, collect food and deliver food to those in need in our community.

Family Nutrition – Provide instructions and prepare low-cost meals for those in need.

The Castle – Provide food for a meal monthly.

Clothes That Work – Collect and deliver professional job interview clothing.

VA Hospital Christmas – Collect, sort, and wrap gifts for the veterans at the Dayton VA Hospital.

Emergency Assistance – Provide limited funds and assistance information to congregation members and the community.

House of Bread – Provides funding and collects children’s books for use by Dayton children.

Missionary Support – Provide assistance for church members in theological education and pursuit.

Disaster Relief Offerings – Encourage congregation donations for disaster relief.

Special Offerings – Oversees the special offerings of the church – One Great Hour of Sharing, Peace Offering, Joy Offering, and the Pentecost Offering.

The Church Has Left the Building  Every October, we spend one Sunday morning serving the community in lieu of our regular worship service. It’s a day when we don’t just go to church, we are the church. Teams serve at many of our local mission partners as well as projects that meet specific needs, like tornado recovery.

All of our Mission programs have a place for you and your talents.  Church is not where we attend; the church is where we participate to glorify God, to nurture each other, and to extend God’s love to the world.  There is a place for you, too!  Contact the church office at 937-433-1810 or email [email protected] for more information.

Jill Matteson, Chair

Reports to Session




This team helps care for the people of Southminster by reaching out to them with tangible items of caring, as well as supporting activities that promote health and wellness of body and spirit. The Compassion and Assistance Team has oversight for following ministries:

AED/CPR Training and Oversight
This ministry helps to ensure that attendees of events at Southminster can be responded to with proper emergency care in the event of certain unexpected health crises.

Anxiety/Depression Group
This ministry allows for a peer-led group of people to meet casually on a regular basis to discuss a variety of mental health issues, coping strategies, and treatments.  No formal therapy or counseling is provided, but the purpose of the group is to be a sanctuary where people can come to see that they are not alone in their struggle and that real progress can be made in living with mental illness.

College Care Packages
This ministry provides packages to college students who are away from home to let them know their home congregation is thinking of them.

Flu Prevention Clinic
Provides an opportunity for anyone to receive an annual flu vaccine, done in coordination with a local pharmacy.

Grief Support Group
This ministry offers a monthly opportunity for people at Southminster, and friends, to gather to support one another after experiencing deep loss.  Their purpose is to provide Christ-led fellowship, support, and information for people on a grief journey.  The basis of this group is the book Tear Soup, and the group calls itself The Soup Group.

Hometouch Letters
This ministry provides continued connection to people who are not able to attend Southminster physically by sending weekly letters to them.  These letters share interesting details about life and ministry at Southminster and include Bible readings and a devotional message.

Needlecraft Group
The people involved with this ministry create hand-made items to distribute to those within and outside of Southminster who would benefit from such, as reminders that they are blessed and being prayed for.

Sanctuary Lambs
This ministry places plush toy lambs in the Sanctuary to be taken by anyone who needs one for love and support. The lambs are reminders that they are lambs cared for by the Good Shepherd, Jesus.

Share Your Garden
This ministry provides an opportunity for gardeners and plant-lovers to share the results of their efforts with others; with  optional financial contributions benefiting Southminster’s food pantry.  This may include sharing perennials or houseplants in the spring and produce in the summer.

Take Them a Meal Program
This ministry provides a coordinated method for people within Southminster to provide meals over a short period of time to another person within Southminster.  This can be helpful during a recovery period after a hospital stay or other need that limits the ability to prepare meals.

Tangible Items of Prayer and Blessing
This ministry makes and distributes small blankets and shawls to those people needing something to remind them of God’s caring warmth for His people. The Needlecraft Group contributes to this ministry.

Chair: Joanne Yost

Reports to: Deacons

The Fellowship team covers the hospitality for many of the events that provide the opportunity for social gatherings.  These activities may span from congregation-wide meals to small group gatherings focusing on special interests to refreshments on Sunday mornings. The Fellowship Team has oversight for following ministries:

Bereavement Receptions

This ministry provides receptions for memorial services.  These vary from simple cookies and coffee to a light lunch.

Coffee Corner

This ministry provides refreshments on Sunday mornings, usually coffee, water, and cookies.

Thank You Meal

This ministry provides a meal once a year to show appreciation for all those who volunteer or will volunteer in the future, in any way at Southminster. It is in coordination with Stewardship Dedication Sunday.


This ministry is an opportunity for food, fellowship, and education or entertainment for the senior members of Southminster (65 and older).  On the 1st Friday of each month, there is a lunch provided, followed by a selected program or speakers.

Heritage Sunday Meal

The ministry provides a meal for the congregation following the service acknowledging our Scottish heritage.  This traditionally occurs on the first Sunday in May.

Maundy Thursday Meal

This ministry coordinates a simple potluck meal preceding the Maundy Thursday service during Holy Week.

Chair: Art Nitsch

Reports to: Deacons


[email protected]

The ministry of Prayer & Presence reaches out to the congregation, supporting others through the gifts of listening, presence, prayer and lay pastoral care. The Prayer and Presence Team has oversight for following ministries:

Care Connection Callers

This ministry extends the love, care and hospitality of Christ to those connected with Southminster, through regular phone calls. Special prayer requests or needs are recorded and prayer requests are then confidentially relayed to the Intercessory Prayer group and the Pastors.

Care Notes

This ministry offers care and support to children, teens and adults through professionally-written small pamphlets (Care Notes), available on a wide variety of topics and provided free of charge.

Follow-up Calls

This ministry offers spiritual support and encouragement to individuals recently discharged from the hospital or rehabilitation services; who face life challenges; or have lost a loved one.

Hello, Good Morning

This ministry pairs individuals who live alone; asking them to call each other daily to be certain their partner is up and in no need of assistance.

Home Communion

This ministry provides monthly communion to people who are not able to attend regular worship services. A two-member team of communion servers takes and shares the Sacrament of Communion with homebound or nursing home members.

Homebound Visitation

This ministry coordinates visitation opportunities to those connected with Southminster who are homebound or live in care facilities.  The visits, and in some cases phone calls, are typically made monthly.

Hospital and Rehab Visitation

This ministry offers spiritual support and encouragement through weekly visits, to those who are currently hospitalized or are in Rehabilitation.

Intercessory Prayer Group

This ministry consists of a group of dedicated and discrete individuals who meet weekly to pray for the needs of members of Southminster, their families and loved ones. Prayers are lifted for, but are not limited to, needs identified through the Care Connection calls; as well as for those living with serious illness, job loss, death of a loved one, those in the military, and needs identified via Prayer Chains.

Prayer Chains

This ministry relays special prayer requests to members, who pray for each request. Prayer chains exist via email and   phone call.

Stephen Ministry

This ministry provides one-on-one, confidential, pastoral care by trained lay people who companion people who are facing difficult life events.

Chair: Linda Wiggers

Reports to: Deacons